Clarifying What I Believe For The Sake Of Properly Identifying Myself As A Christian
By Pastor John E. Coleman African American Apologist BA, MA
You have come to the site occasionally to either listen to one of the clips or read some of the articles. There is a possibility that many persons come to this site in order to pick a fight, or continue their own strategy to defend themselves or defeat me in some personal way. You have shared this site address with some of your Christian friends, and in doing so, you ask their opinions of me as a Pastor, Apologist, or Christian. After many conversations with others, some of you have opted not to return to the site, listen to Ram Radio Live or to even slightly consider me as a Believer. Many have also chosen to believe all of the lies that have surfaced about my private as well as public life, which seem to contradict much of what I say or teach in ministry. I have attempted to be as kind as possible, but as usual, the church has so frustrated me with it's inability to digest my simple conclusions or solutions to today's problems in the church; I thought it time to place on this site answers for many of you about what it is that I really believe, and why I do what I do.

In order to make this an easy read for you; (I am not that great in my writing skills as you can tell) I thought that I would just pose the questions; and then state my answers. My attempt is a simple one; just say what it is that I believe. I have read extensive exclamations from others as to their theological mindset; and upon doing so, I have gained a tremendous respect for others in the way that they project their thoughts and intentions. I would suggest that those who read me, first consider that I am writing from the vantage point of a man that has been walking with the Lord beginning in earthly time in August of the year 1967. I would also ask you to consider that I write to a church that has not been properly taught in "Christian Doctrine" for years. At the time I'm writing this piece, I am "60" years of age. I became a Christian before becoming influenced by the spirit of the age that has now made headway into the main arteries of the church. I am aware that what I say, and the way that I say it is not acceptable to many evangelicals. They think me rude, abrasive, harsh, un-loving, un-kind, insensitive and just plain stupid. As you can read, I'm fully aware of how "this thing works". Lets get to it.

Questions To Pastor John E. Coleman

A Recent Letter On Acts

Dear Pastor John,


I’m enjoying your study in the book of Acts. I just finished listening to the second part of chapter 2.  Your insights have brought to light some things I’ve never been taught. Such as the “sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind” and “tongues like as of fire” being symbolic.

Reading through the book brings excitement to my Christian walk.  There is action, drama, suspense, and heavy preaching. Acts is a wonderful book to study.  Thank you for putting in the time.  I’m letting those I know to listen to your teaching. 

At the end of chapter 2 you commented on evangelism.  I understand that salvation is an act of God’s call a person’s life and that man cannot “win” anyone to the Kingdom.  Can you expound on the role of an evangelist and biblical evangelism in the Church today in a future radio cast?


Thank you and God bless,

Aaron Zuger  See;  Evangelism


Are you a Dispensationalist?

Yes I am. But first let me define what the term implies to many that may not know it. "Dispensationalist is a system of biblical interpretation and of theology which divides God's working into different periods which He administers on different bases. It involves a literal interpretation of the scriptures, a clear distinction between Israel and the Church, and a premillennial, pretribulational eschatology." This is what I believe, know and will never change in that I have scripture to back up my belief system. if you do not agree, please do not attempt to convince me that I am wrong, I do not desire to hear from you. If you want to ask me why I believe the way that I do, I will not answer you. My role is not to assist you in coming to know what I know, that is the role of the Holy Spirit. Ask of His Person, He will answer you if you are a part of the elect. If you are not, oh well, there you are!

What are your views on homosexuality?

I have a biblical view. Before I get into what that biblical view is, let me say this. It matters not to me if my neighbors are homosexual. It matters not if they get paid medical insurance, partners rights or wrongs or anything that any other American married couples gain from the government. I believe that they have the right to live, be happy, be with each other if they wish, to live as they want to live. In the same way that I believe that those of the Islamic faith or belief has the right in this great land to live and worship in their own way, so does the homosexuals. I in no way hate them, fight against them, desire to stop them from life in this land. Why, simply because they do not affect me in any way. They cannot influence my children, or my grandchildren. I have taught my children the standards of the scriptures. The homosexual does not influence me. If I lived next door to a couple men or women, it would not matter. I would speak and be kind to them, laugh at their jokes, shop at the same market. I believe that Jesus would do the same if He were here. If anyone would beat, smash, attempt to harm any homosexual, I would take offence at the action upon any person of different orientation, be it sexual or spiritual or even physical. As a Christian, I have not compromised my faith by living in compliance to the laws of the land and of humanity; "Thou shalt not kill!". God has never told me to hate anyone because they are different from me. In that there is a clear distinction between Israel, and the Church, likewise there is a clear distinction between the laws of Moses for the chosen people in Old Testament Dispensational time as opposed to where I am in this day and age as a Christian. Now to answer your question, I believe in all that the bible teaches against homosexuality in terms of practice even to the eternal consequence which is a burning hell for all those that practice in deed and action same sex sex. Look up the scriptures yourself. Know what it is that you believe.

Tonia Tomlinson Tells The Truth


What is passion?  How do we define this word when applying it to the being of the wife?  When we see this word used in Acts 1:3, is this the correct term to use when speaking of marital affection extended from one to the other?  Of course not.  The Greek verb, “pascho,” is used in this text and by no means can the passion of a wife compare to the passion or suffering of Christ at Calvary.  When looking up the definition in the Webster’s Dictionary, the most effective definition would be 5a: “an ardent affection; Love and, 5b: “a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept.  Passion for the Christian wife is a strong desire FOR and devotion TO the one that God has joined her with.  This article was written only after God had me question myself on some of the points discussed.  I am not where I should be.  But now, knowing what is expected of a passion-filled wife, I am accountable to make every effort to become what my husband needs and what God requires.   God showed me ME before I could complete this commentary.  Needless to say, putting pen to paper caused me some complexity and character adjustments. 

Passion is the response of a wife to her husband.  Does this come immediately?  Absolutely not.  It is developed in her by effort and the nurturing love of her spouse.  The wife needs to be able to respect her man, look up to her man, admire him, trust in him, and have confidence in him.  The end result is a deeply rooted love that cannot be torn nor ripped away by any cause.  But, always know, the evil one will constantly be tugging and attempting to tear the very foundation down.  And how is this accomplished?  Remove the passion of the wife and you may possibly find yourself entering the point of no return.  As if in quicksand, the marriage sinks to a slow death.  Now let’s exclude sex from our discussion right from the start.  Love and sex are not synonymous.  Now that we’ve got that clear, where shall we begin?

What kind of wife are you?  This article addresses the passion, not the perfection of the wife.  Many of us strive to be the “perfect” wife and have found that this is an impossible feat.  Since we can’t achieve this perfection, why do we then expect this characteristic from our mates?  Is that your desire?  Is your passion to create something in your mate that you can’t achieve?  Do we possess an attitude where the woman rules her house and her husband is the one who is completely sinful?  This passion drives a woman to find fault and criticism in everything her spouse does.  This woman constantly competes with her husband.  She is usually quite headstrong and domineering.  This woman isn’t a real wife.  This woman is an imposter and a black eye in the face of the real Christian wife.  She has betrayed her marriage vows.

The passion-filled wife has a desire not only for her husband, but also to please God in her marriage relationship.  My husband had to teach me this very important reality; God looks at the relationship, not the individuals.  Two have become one.  What are you presenting to The Most High?  The passionate wife is thinking in her relationship.  Thinking about what?   She is thinking about how to make it better.  She is considering the motives of her heart.  She is looking for hollow places in her heart and how to address them with her spouse.  She is considering what her mate sees in her beyond the outward beauty.  What’s behind the front display window and actually in the store?  She is contemplating those things she can do to satisfy the desires of her man’s heart.  You see no other woman can do this.  Only the wife has the opportunity and the ability.  A true passion-filled wife cannot reason away her duties.  She knows that what she holds is essential to that man.  Her passion makes her husband know there is no one else he could possibly want.  Passion inflames her, motivates her, and sustains her.  What do your desires look like?  When your relationship is in dire straits, in the worst type of condition, seems like all is crumbling, what keeps you standing as you weep?  Passion.  The passion to please God and, yes, the passion for your husband is there. 

What happens when you are punishing your husband by not communicating with him?  Do you really believe that he is suffering alone?  Come on!  You are suffering more than he is by maintaining the sinful attitude.  Perhaps you are comparing your relationship to another.  In your entire discontentment, you find your best resolve is to compare your marriage to another person’s marriage.  And when you realize that jealousy has set in, you get angrier with your husband.  Why?  Because he has not given you everything you wanted, nor has he caused your life to turn out the way you expected.  In other words, you are not mad at your husband as he leads under God’s provision….you are mad at God.  When there is no passion, there will never be fulfillment.  When God put you with that man, you got exactly what He felt you deserved!  Self-righteousness is a difficult sin to repent of.

The passion-filled wife is not lazy.  She is not a quitter.  She keeps at it.  She is pursuing the ultimate love, the vitality of the relationship.  She is fighting procrastination constantly so as not to allow the fires die.  In other words, she is not one to make a plan to talk to her husband next year about why she no longer desires to walk in the park with him on Sunday afternoons.  She knows that this type of putting off of what is necessary can only lead to bitterness.  Bitterness kills passion, thus, it kills a vibrant relationship.  Unforgiveness kills passion.  It also muffles your love for Christ.  The passionate wife could care less about what people think of her.  She is fearful of not pleasing God in her relationship rather than man.  Passion drives her to have a heart for her husband so exuberant that what people see is truth between a wife and her husband.  For the discontent woman watching, envy is usually the result.  It really doesn’t have to be this way.  Unfortunately, it is.

The passion-filled wife looks at her faults and does not grieve over them.  She looks at them and corrects them.  This is the only way for her to find her true self and come humbly and honestly before the Lord for help.  Her focus is not on her failures.  This debilitates her and weakens the relationship.  She must become confident in her abilities and her gifts.  This doesn’t mean she thinks more highly of herself than she ought to because this leads to pride.  She simply looks at her husband and can see in him what he did not see in himself.  She has the ability and the permission to enhance her man, build up her man, and lovingly and passionately encourage her man.  When this happens, the relationship is strengthened tremendously.  Her passion is more than a feeling.  Feelings come and go.  Her passion is the illumination of the mind and the heart.  Her passion examines her heart and checks her attitude.  Her passion is deep and abiding.  It controls the innermost of her being.  Her passion is always present in her marriage relationship.  It is driven by love for Christ.  Her passion is submissive.  Even in the dry desert, her passion quenches her thirst. It fortifies and causes her to stop the madness and make that relationship work.  Passion says, “Forget the silliness.  Forget the absurdity.  Forget the foolishness.  Forget “The Purpose-Driven Life.”  Why won’t someone write a book called “The Passion-Driven Wife?” thank you Tonya!  This is a picture of Tonya's Class Baby Basics. . . At Anselm.


A Ramie Lynch Special

Ramie has always written concerning the Christian faith with such a boldness that it is indeed a pleasure to place more of his work up on the site.  Godly is not the words that describe adequately his expressions of the African American culture as well as the refusal of that same community to see Christ from the perspective of biblical authenticity.  I had to make room on the front page to pose his latest writ.  Enjoy!  Pastor John E. Coleman  12-17-04

A "7" Point Peace Plan For African American Culture

In numerous messages, I have pointed out the problems of Black America. Today, I have decided to write about something different. I plan on outlining my 7 point plan for fixing Black America. Yes, I have solutions to the problem.
First and Foremost, we (black folk) need to get on our knees and repent. Individually and collectively we need to confess to God our sins and start anew in Christ. We also need to read our bibles and examine the scripture (especially Proverbs) to find solutions to our problems. It is amazing how wise someone can become by reading the bible. There is an amazing amount of wisdom in it's pages. For example, the bible forbids sex outside of marriage. If we just followed this command. We would immediately, eliminate out of wedlock births and the spread of AIDS in our community. The bible also commands that Thou shalt not kill. If we followed this commandment, we would halt the abortions and murders within our community.
Secondly, we need to take responsibility for our actions. That means that we no longer blame others for our misfortunes. That means that the white man and society can no longer be used as scapegoats for our individual and collective failures. We must rise or fall according to our efforts.
Third, we need place an emphasis on the value of getting an education. Our youth need to be taught that education opens doors in life. We must stop this foolishness of equating high educational achievement with "acting white." Black folk are just as intelligent as white folk. In fact, even more in some instances. All of our youth should pursue knowledge with the same desire that they put into playing professional basketball and football. Could you imagine the results if they did this?
Fourth, we need to teach our youth character and the importance of family. Boys need to be taught what it means to be a man. Girls need to be taught what it means to be a woman. The boys should be taught that a man takes care of his family. He provides for them. He provides leadership and protection. Girls should be taught that women carry themselves with dignity and grace. They support their men and give guidance to their children. 
Fifth, we need to stop voting for the Democrats. It is stupid when any group throws 90% of their support to any political party without demanding anything in return. We need to outline an agenda of issues that are important to our community. Then, we make the Republicans and Democrats compete for our votes.
Sixth, we need to get rid of these so called black leaders. The civil rights movement is over. It was largely successful. We still have barriers to overcome, but marching in the streets will not solve them. Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, and all the other hucksters need to go away. Black folk should develop the capacity to think for themselves. We do not think the same. The bottom line is that we should develop a biblical worldview and make our choices within its framework.
Finally, we need to enter into a covenant with God. We must dedicate ourselves to developing a relationship with him and seeking his purpose for our lives. The scripture teaches that each of us have received gifts from the Holy Spirit. Some teach, Some preach, Some Listen, etc...... We should find out what they are and use these gifts to help others and glorify God.


Here is another question:  Hi Pastor John,

I had the pleasure of meeting you years ago in L.A.  I used to work the graveyard shift, where as a janitor they allowed us to listen to walkman's so I use to listen to you and Harley Howard.  I work swing shift now, so I can only catch about half of your program on RAM radio as I'm driving to work.  I've gone to your website, and although you have been talking about The Purpose Driven Life I can't find anyway to get tapes or articles on what you are saying. 

Here's the problem: I'm a teacher at Immanuel Baptist Church in Highland where last year they had the whole church go through some nonsense called "Forty Days of Purpose" based upon and involving the use of Rick Warren's book The Purpose Driven Life.  When I saw the cover of the book I was instantly suspicious because I don't believe that anything a true Christian writes that reveals the Word of God correctly could ever be a best seller to unsaved people.  I have been a Christian for a long time, and I have never known the unsaved to embrace anything that is totally Christian in view or practice.  Sure, they do their little religious thing here and there, but if a book were written today that showed the truth about what is expected of one in the Christian life the unsaved would run from it like a plague.  In fact, most Christians wouldn't read it no more than they presently read their Bibles.

Now my church is about to embark upon more craziness by doing "40 Days of Community" which appears to be another Rick Warren devise.  Pastor John I need any information audio or article that will help me to show those over me at this ministry what is wrong with this stuff.  We are suppose to start this stuff in October, so if you could get back to me as quickly as possible that would be good.  I would not teach the other book, and I can not teach this one either.  Those over me may not agree, but at least with the information they'll see my point of view.

In parting I was just wondering if this type of stuff is more on the rise than ever.  I remember warning my church leaders not to get involved with Promise Keepers because of whom they were associated with, their false teaching speakers, and their lukewarm gospel message.  They told me that they thought that the good Promise Keepers could accomplish was better than the bad.  Is that what Christianity is turning into, where the church chooses the lesser of two evils?

Yours for Jesus,

My Answer:  Thanks for asking.  First of all, how much of the written word do you really believe?  Are you willing to approach this pastor and simply ask him why would he carry the whole church through a secular book that the world embraces as opposed to the blessed word of God.  The men that assist in the placing of this text in the hands and hearts of God's people are either deceived themselves, or have become practitioners of a false gospel.  Take that stand Greg.  Tell him that you will not place your bible on the shelf and attempt to replace traditional values with Rick's silly handbook for sinners pretending to be Christians.  When he devises a systematic plan to kick you out of his "thing", that church, leave with a big smile on your face knowing that you are doing God service.  Then (In that you know bible) set up your own bible study in your home and train or equip others in the proper use of reading scripture and living up to the standards of God's words alone.

Another question with a response;

Dear Pastor John,

I was pondering on this Purpose Driven stuff, and I thought it might add an interesting twist if you haven't dealt with it as of yet. Why can't the people of the Southern Baptist Convention see the things that most thinking Christians have seen that are wrong in the PDL/PDC stuff?

Their are supposed to be a conservative voice in the wilderness. But yet none of them have denounced any of the Church Growth Movement and Ecumenism that is espoused in the pdc/pdl material. What's up with that? Here's some of my answers:

1) It's all about the Benjamins - SBC's missions, ministry, church planting are funded by their Cooperative program. Every SBC church is required to give into this entity to be considered an SBC church. Warren's SBC and no doubt donates heavily. Not to mention all the purpose drivel merchandise is bringing in a pretty penny.

2) Just a Good Ol' Boy never meaning no harm - The SBC might better at turning their heads as opposed to turning the other cheek when it comes to one of their own. Hence, Jerry Falwell has never been checked for being religious right(politically), or ties to South Africa during the apartheid period. Slick Rick's won't be checked either because he's one of the SBC elite.

3) Southern Pride - They just won't admit the entire concept is wrong. Why that would be admitting not just that Rick Warren is wrong, but we (SBC) are wrong. No can do! The South will rise again, SUH!

4) Do what I do - Entirely too many pastors are too lazy to get off the dime and formulate their own paradigms for New Membership classes, evangelism and personal outreach. And they will not stop and think for themselves.

5) Manchurian Candidate - In spite of the liberalism of Fuller Theological Seminary, Robert Schuler, C. Peter Wagner, John Wimber, and the Jesus Seminar and others, those in the SBC that endorse this Purpose Drive Stuff are being brainwashed into thinking it is a good thing, all the while grooming " their candidate".  All I keep thinking of is Denzel in the preview of the this new movie saying " they got into our head". He's subtly inside the head of the people endorsing this.

6) Finally - Who AM I - There is an identity crisis afoot in evangelicalism. When evangelicals support a mystical New Age Proponent - Peter Drucker who is Rick Warren's main partner in the Purpose Driven control philosophy - do they really know who they are? When Baptist are endorsing The Passion - by a known Roman Catholic- do they really know who they are? When Baptist can't catch on to Mother Teresa being quoted in the writings of another so-called Baptist pastor, a person who had a universalist way of viewing people and this is never pointed out as inconsistent with biblical Christianity we have a group of people that don't know who they really are?

Christians don't endorse this sort of thing. Nor do they endorse Paul (David) Yonggi Cho, the New Age Korean pastor (false teacher) who endorses word faith theology, and then the interview with Rick Warren is linked to a website called god and gays!

There are some Southern Baptist that really need to take a long hard look at themselves and say Who AM I? It's more to this than a book.

God Bless Pastor John; Some food for thought.  Donald Hightower

My answer:

I appreciate your insights.  It is my personal belief that this church growth thing is just the beginning of the end for the organized church.  Every movement has it's beginning.  It has to start somewhere.  The testing of the waters is what we are experiencing.  How far will the organized church allow us to go with our new ideas?  How much bible to they know, and of course, how much money will we loose if we do not follow this course.  There was a time when men of God just stopped doing those things that they were doing, simply because there was not enough funds to do it with.  Trust me, I lived through that time.  Now it appears that the Lord has given me a clear go ahead to do ministry in the way that He is pleased with, without a purpose driven mind set.  We had a packed bible study last night as we worked through scripture and allowed the Holy Spirit to use me in ways that He use to many years ago.  Look forward to many so called evangelicals to jump on the wagon of purpose.  As long as people do not know their bibles, they will be apt to join the party line.

A good comment on Purpose Driven Invasion:

Hi Pastor John,

I had the pleasure of meeting you years ago in L.A.  I used to work the graveyard shift, where as a janitor they allowed us to listen to walkman's so I use to listen to you and Harley Howard.  I work swing shift now, so I can only catch about half of your program on RAM radio as I'm driving to work.  I've gone to your website, and although you have been talking about The Purpose Driven Life I can't find anyway to get tapes or articles on what you are saying. 

Here's the problem: I'm a teacher at Immanuel Baptist Church in Highland where last year they had the whole church go through some nonsense called "Forty Days of Purpose" based upon and involving the use of Rick Warren's book The Purpose Driven Life.  When I saw the cover of the book I was instantly suspicious because I don't believe that anything a true Christian writes that reveals the Word of God correctly could ever be a best seller to unsaved people.  I have been a Christian for a long time, and I have never known the unsaved to embrace anything that is totally Christian in view or practice.  Sure, they do their little religious thing here and there, but if a book were written today that showed the truth about what is expected of one in the Christian life the unsaved would run from it like a plague.  In fact, most Christians wouldn't read it no more than they presently read their Bibles.

Now my church is about to embark upon more craziness by doing "40 Days of Community" which appears to be another Rick Warren devise.  Pastor John I need any information audio or article that will help me to show those over me at this ministry what is wrong with this stuff.  We are suppose to start this stuff in October, so if you could get back to me as quickly as possible that would be good.  I would not teach the other book, and I can not teach this one either.  Those over me may not agree, but at least with the information they'll see my point of view.

In parting I was just wondering if this type of stuff is more on the rise than ever.  I remember warning my church leaders not to get involved with Promise Keepers because of whom they were associated with, their false teaching speakers, and their lukewarm gospel message.  They told me that they thought that the good Promise Keepers could accomplish was better than the bad.  Is that what Christianity is turning into, where the church chooses the lesser of two evils?

Yours for Jesus,

And still another. . . .

Pastor John:
I was searching the internet for more resources from Dr. Bob Klenck when I came across your site. Wow, what a blessing to find your ministry and see that you have partnered with Dr. Klenck to expose these unbiblical trends in evangelicalism today!
Over two years ago, I came out of a "Willow Creek-type" church that began to be overrun by pragmatic, seeker-sensitive teachings. My family and I left immediately and were blessed to find a local Reformed Baptist church that preached the Word, and ONLY from the Word. During this process, I started a website called Christian Unplugged, which is calling all Christians to come out of, or "unplug" themselves from, the worldly, purpose-driven movement which is exalting manmade techniques over God's Word. I invite you to take a look at it and read my personal testimony at (In fact, I have some of Dr. Klenck's wonderful resources on my site, too.)
Anyway, I was so pleased to see that you, an African-American man of God, is not only speaking out about this Purpose Driven junk, but that you are preaching the Doctrines of Grace, commonly known as Calvinism. I had no idea that this kind of biblical, godly message was being preached to the African-American community. I am sure you are finding much resistance from the traditional Arminian black churches that may have never heard God's Word from the Calvinist viewpoint. However, I truly believe that no changes in these churches will take place unless they hear the biblical theology you are preaching. I hope God raises up more men like you to bring about this change.
Brother John, I thank you for your ministry and I will pray for you to continue to boldly preach the pure Gospel to the people in your community and beyond. I truly believe that God will use your one small voice to reach out to many people that have been blinded by their tradition.
May God bless you,
Chris Carmichael
 "All Grown Up In Christ"

          By Ramie Lynch

"When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things". 1 Corinthians 13:11

Today, I have been thinking about my life and how much I have changed over the years. Something my grandmother used to say comes to mind: "Life is filled with changes." At one time, I did not take my faith seriously. I may have professed Christ; but I did not live my life like a true Christian. I sat by silently when I heard others blaspheme the name of the Lord. I was around all manner of sin. In a way, I was like Lot. Although I did not actively seek to engage in the lusts of the flesh, I still liked being around it. 
The same thing is true with my politics. At one time, I was like the masses of black folk. I followed Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton. I obsessed on how the white man and society were keeping me down. I believed that the creation of government programs would solve the ills of my community. I voted the Democratic ticket without even considering the issues on the table.
About 5 years ago, something happened that changed my life. I started reading the bible. Slowly but surely, it was revealed to me how I was not living a true Christian life. I may have claimed Christ; but I did not obey his commands. I believed his word, but I did not follow its precepts. During this period of self discovery, I learned a new word: "Biblical Worldview." This word means that the bible serves as the foundation for your decisions. In other words, you look at the world through the lens of the bible.
It was at this point that my life changed. I stopped listening to certain types of music and stopped using vulgar language. I also stopped voting for the Democratic Party. I could no longer vote for candidates that support abortion and homosexuality. I started to become bold in my faith. It was also at this time that I started writing emails to family and friends on religious and political issues. It's hard to believe that I have been at this for five years now. There have been many times that I have wanted to stop writing and sending articles because of the personal turmoil that it has brought into my life.
A few Sundays ago, the pastor was preaching about how the church has no power. He was preaching about how the early church was on fire because of the gifts of the holy spirit. It was through the holy spirit that the saints became bold, spoke in tongues, healed the sick, and proclaimed the gospel. It was at that point I understood my role. We have all received some kind of gift from the holy spirit: Some teach, Some preach, Some speak in tongues, Some heal, and in my case some write.
I have often written that I consider myself a watchman. I comment on what's wrong and try to warn the people. Sometimes my commentary has been labeled anti-black and judgmental. Believe me when I say; I am nobody's judge. It is only by the grace of God that I am saved. Reading the bible transformed my life. It was as if scales have fallen from my eyes. I can see things clearly now. In other words, I have grown up.
With that said, I will bring this lengthy discourse to an end. I felt it necessary to reveal the reasons I think like I do and feel compelled to share my ideas with others. Maybe then, some folks will stop thinking that I am crazy or have lost my mind. I am not anti-black. I have not sold out. I have not forgotten where I have come from. I do not stand in judgment of others. I do not condemn people to hell. In fact, they condemn themselves there. I only ask that folks repent and turn to Jesus.
If you wish for me to remove you from my rant and rave email list, reply to this message and let me know. After all, I'm a right wing, Christian black conservative who speaks his mind. Who wants to hear what I have to say?  Ramie


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I'm serious. If you have an honest question ask it.  The answer will appear to be as all the others.  Honest, frank, and certain for your understanding.  If the questions are doctrinal, take advantage of your opportunity to ask.  The picture of me on the right demonstrates how tired I become when I must repeat myself over and over to those that cannot hear what I am saying.  If you are easily offended, you will not appreciate my answers.  At times I will use scripture, then at other times I will ask you to look up the text.  When you have had enough, hit the return to the HOME PAGE, or exit the site.  Thanks for dropping in friend!